Supplementary consultation – Definition of deposit limits in the Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards
This supplementary consultation sets out proposals for clarifying the definition of ‘deposit limits’ and other financial limits in our Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS). These changes are mainly to improve wording in the RTS and to ensure the gambling system is optimised to enable and empower consumers to maintain awareness and control over their gambling consistent with the aims of our initial consultation to improve consistency and understanding of the types of limits offered.
All stakeholders, including consumers, gambling licensees and members of the public are invited to share their views on these proposals.
Why your views matter
In line with the Commission’s commitments connected with the 2023 White Paper, High stakes: gambling reform for the digital age, we have made changes to our requirements to empower and enable customers gambling online to manage their gambling in ways that work for them, including making it easy to set and keep meaningful financial limits. These changes will come into effect on 31 October 2025 and are set out in our Autumn 2023 consultation – Proposed changes to LCCP and RTS: Consultation Response.
Via responses to the consultation for these changes (the initial consultation), engagement with industry and consumer contacts, it has become clear that some operators are changing the way in which they interpret financial limits, in particular deposit limits.
We are therefore running this supplementary consultation to build upon the proposals detailed in the initial consultation, in particular proposals for the definitions of ‘deposit limits’ and other financial limits, to improve consistency across the industry and to improve clarity and transparency about how limits work for consumers.
Give us your views
- Anyone from any background
- Online
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