26 results
Transparency to consumers for horse-race pool betting at the end of the exclusive licence
To maintain transparency to customers when the exclusive horse-race pool betting licence ends on 12 July of this year, we propose to extend the existing requirement, set out in our Licence conditions and codes of practice, that currently applies only to pool betting on dog races to also apply to horse-race pool betting. Why we are consulting This is a short consultation that is relevant mainly to businesses that may wish to offer horse-race pool betting on racecourses in the future.... MoreOpened 18 April 2018 -
Consultation on age and identity verification
This consultation is relevant to all remote gaming and betting licensees, and some remote lotteries. The proposals would also affect consumers of remote gambling. We encourage any licensee or prospective licensees, along with consumers and members of the public, to share their views and any supporting evidence or insight. We are also keen to hear from identity verification solution providers, in particular where they can provide details of technological and... MoreOpened 5 September 2018 -
Informal consultation on amendments to the protection of customer funds rating system
This informal consultation will be of interest to all gambling operators, particularly remote operators who hold customer funds to the credit of customers as defined in Licence conditions and codes of practice (LCCP) . In accordance with Licence Condition 4.2.1, operators who hold customer funds must set out information about their arrangements for protecting these funds in the event of insolvency, the level of that protection and the method by which this is achieved. MoreOpened 3 December 2018 -
Proposed changes to LCCP requirements for customer interaction and alternative dispute resolution, and call for evidence on gambling website blocking software
Consumers, gambling operators and members of the public are being invited to voice their opinion on proposed changes to Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) and to provide views on gambling blocking software. LCCP consultation on Customer Interaction We are consulting on changes to the LCCP social responsibility (SR) code provision 3.4.1 (Customer Interaction) and associated ordinary code provision 3.4.2. These code provisions... MoreOpened 14 February 2019 -
Call for evidence: player protections on Category B gaming machines
This call for evidence provides an opportunity for the industry to put forward clear plans to meet the challenges set out in the Government's Review of Gaming Machines and Social Responsibility Measures (the gambling review). It also seeks to gain further insight into the harm prevention measures already afforded to players of Category B gaming machines. There are clear incentives for the industry to demonstrate a commitment to enhance the effectiveness of player... MoreOpened 21 February 2019 -
Assurance Statement Workshops 2019
Survey to obtain feedback on Assurance Statement Workshops 2019 MoreOpened 2 May 2019 -
Proposed changes to LCCP requirements for alternative dispute resolution – supplementary consultation
Supplementary consultation on proposed LCCP changes for alternative dispute resolution. MoreOpened 14 June 2019 -
Consultation on test houses framework development
Test houses play a key role in ensuring that games are suitable to be released to market and offered to consumers. We therefore need to be assured of their independence, competence and suitability. To achieve this assurance, we are proposing changes to the framework under which test houses operate. This consultation focuses on four main areas. These proposals flow from the first and second licensing objectives of keeping crime out of gambling and to ensure gambling is... MoreOpened 7 August 2019 -
Consultation on gambling with credit cards
The Gambling Commission conducted a call for evidence on gambling with credit cards between February and May 2019. The exercise was underpinned by advice from the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB)[1] that gambling with borrowed money is a well-established risk factor for harmful gambling because it significantly increases the risk that consumers will gamble with more money than they can afford. We wanted to explore the consequences of restricting or prohibiting the... MoreOpened 14 August 2019 -
Consultation on society lottery reform
In June 2018 the Government published a consultation on society lottery reform, seeking views on potential changes to sales and prize limits for large and small society lotteries. In July 2019, the Government announced that it intends to amend section 99 (3) of the Gambling Act 2005 to raise the per draw limit on lottery proceeds (ticket sales) from £4 million to £5 million, with the result that the maximum individual prize will raise from £400,000 to £500,000. ... MoreOpened 19 December 2019 -
Consultation on remote key equipment
In exercising our functions, we aim always to uphold the licensing objectives of keeping crime out of gambling, ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way and that children and vulnerable people are protected from being harmed or exploited by gambling. In the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) condition 2 relates to technical standards, equipment specifications, remote gambling equipment and gambling software . Licence condition 2.1.1... MoreOpened 30 January 2020 -
Consultation on the information requirements in the licence conditions and codes of practice (LCCP), regulatory returns, official statistics and related matters
Our data requirements change over time, reflecting developments in the gambling industry, government policy and our regulatory approach. This consultation sets out the Gambling Commission’s proposals to change the regulatory data that we require licensees to provide to us and offers an opportunity for stakeholders to comment on the proposed changes. The proposals seek to: improve data quality and the efficiency of regulation ... MoreOpened 26 February 2020 -
Consultation on amendments to the display of licensed status requirements in LCCP
This consultation seeks views on proposals to amend our Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) to improve the consistency of our requirements for the display of licensed status on websites and to expand the requirement to non-commercial societies and local authority websites offering access to lottery tickets. MoreOpened 26 February 2020 -
Changes to corporate governance framework (Regulatory Panels)
Through effective licensing and regulatory enforcement activity, the Commission aims to protect consumers and the wider public, and to raise standards in the gambling industry. There are a variety of ways that the Commission can deal with non-compliance by Licensees, ranging from enhanced compliance procedures and regulatory settlements to licence reviews and formal enforcement action. The Commission is also responsible for determining applications for new operating and personal licences... MoreOpened 1 May 2020 -
Consultation on High Value Customers
Individuals whose gambling custom is of exceptional commercial value to licensees are often labelled as ‘VIPs’, ‘high value customers (HVC’s)’ or equivalent. That status often means those customers enjoy tailored bonuses, gifts, hospitality and preferential service from the licensee designed to maintain or increase their custom. The management and incentivisation of these customers (referred to as ‘HVCs’ in this consultation) poses two key regulatory challenges: ... MoreOpened 19 June 2020 -
Consultation on online slots game design and reverse withdrawals
We are consulting on changes to the design of online slots - specifically to make them safer for consumers. We know that the success of many technology companies, digital content creators and gaming machine games designers depends on their ability to establish and maintain the engagement of their consumers on their web, mobile apps and – in premises – gaming machines. We also know that speed of play, frequency of betting opportunities, as well as... MoreOpened 9 July 2020 -
Remote customer interaction - Consultation and Call for Evidence
Remote gambling operators already have the capability of identifying customers who may be harmed by gambling. Our evidence shows that the industry has not used this capability sufficiently to reduce harms. We are therefore consulting on stronger requirements that will help ensure remote gambling operators do more to identify consumers who may be harmed by gambling and to interact and take action sufficiently early and effectively to prevent harm. Whilst some operators... MoreOpened 3 November 2020 -
Consultation on gambling participation and problem gambling prevalence research
In this consultation document, we share our intentions with regard to changing the research methodology we use to collect gambling participation and problem gambling prevalence statistics [1] . We believe that this new approach will set the standard for authoritative research into gambling behaviour. As part of our duty under the Gambling Act 2005 to advise the government on gambling in Great Britain and provide an effective regulatory function, we collect... MoreOpened 18 December 2020 -
Seeking views on how gambling companies interact with their customers (Short survey)
The Gambling Commission is the regulator for most forms of gambling in Britain. At the moment, we are running a consultation and calling for evidence on the actions that gambling companies should be required to take to prevent harm to their online customers. We are gathering responses from consumers, gambling businesses, charities and many others, and the closing date is 9 February 2021. This survey provides a summary of some of the key themes we are seeking views on and... MoreOpened 18 January 2021 -
Consultation on changes and updates to our Licensing, Compliance, and Enforcement Policy
The Licensing, Compliance, and Enforcement Policy (the Policy) builds on the Gambling Commission’s Statement of Principles and sets out our regulatory policies in relation to: Assessing risk Licensing operators and key personnel Carrying out compliance activities Regulatory and criminal enforcement We amend the Policy from time to time to ensure that it remains clear to operators and other... MoreOpened 17 November 2021 -
Remote customer interaction - consultation on guidance document
The Commission recently introduced new, more prescriptive, customer interaction requirements for remote operators, and the majority of these came into effect on 12 September 2022. This consultation relates to proposed guidance on these new requirements. We are keen to hear from stakeholders about any experiences of the implementation of the new requirements and about any ways in which the proposed guidance could be improved. MoreOpened 22 November 2022 -
Consultation on Licence conditions and codes of practice February 2023: multi-operator self-exclusion, notification of deaths by suicide and technical update relating to payment services
The Gambling Commission (the Commission) regulates most forms of commercial gambling in Great Britain. We are consulting on three proposed changes to our requirements on gambling businesses. All stakeholders, including consumers, gambling operators and members of the public are invited to share their views on these proposals. Separately, Government is conducting a Review of the Gambling Act 2005 and we continue to support Government by providing advice. At present, we consider... MoreOpened 28 February 2023 -
Summer 2023 consultation on proposed changes to Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP), Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS), and arrangements for Regulatory Panels
The Gambling Commission regulates most forms of commercial gambling in Great Britain. We are consulting on a series of proposed changes to our requirements on gambling businesses, through the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) and Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS). We are also consulting on proposed changes to our arrangements for Regulatory Panels. All stakeholders, including consumers, gambling operators and members of... MoreOpened 26 July 2023 -
Autumn 2023 consultation on proposed changes to Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) and Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS)
The Gambling Commission regulates most forms of commercial gambling in Great Britain. We are consulting on a series of proposed changes to our requirements on gambling businesses, through the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) and Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS). All stakeholders, including consumers, gambling licensees and members of the public are invited to share their views on these proposals. MoreOpened 29 November 2023 -
2023 Consultation on proposed changes related to financial penalties and financial key event reporting
The Gambling Commission regulates most forms of commercial gambling in Great Britain. We are consulting on two sets of ‘business as usual’ proposed changes relating to clarity and transparency to the way financial penalties are calculated, and financial key event reporting by licensees to make sure we have the right information for risk-based regulation. This consultation makes proposed changes to our requirements on gambling businesses for reporting through the Licence Conditions and... MoreOpened 15 December 2023 -
January 2025 Consultation on proposed changes to the Gaming Machine Technical Standards, Gaming Machine Testing Strategy and Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice
The Gambling Commission regulates most forms of commercial gambling in Great Britain. We are consulting on proposed changes to our requirements on gambling businesses, through the Gaming Machine Technical Standards (GMTS), Gaming Machine Testing Strategy (testing strategy) and the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice. All stakeholders, including consumers, gambling businesses (such as those manufacture, supply or make gaming machines available for use), test houses and members of the... MoreOpened 29 January 2025
26 results.
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